Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano (Nov 2020)
Analysis of sex-related differences in external load demands on beach handball
The purpose of the present study was to analyze the sex-related differences in beach handball workload. A total sample of 105 handballers (male, n=50; female, n=55) belonging to six U’16 teams, seven U’18 teams and eight senior teams were monitored in the final round of 2018-2019 beach handball tournament celebrated during 3-days congested-fixture design. The external load variables Steps, Jumps, Player Load, Total Impacts (>2G) and Total Impacts per Intensities (very low, 2-4G; low, 4-6G; moderate, 6-8G; high, 8-10G; very high, >10G) through WIMUTM inertial devices. Statistical analysis was composed by t-test and Cohen’s d for anthropometrical variables and by MANOVA and omega partial square for sex and categories related differences. Greater values in male handballers were found in height, weight and age in each categories (U’16: p<0.05; d=0.50-2.26; U’18: p<0.05; d=0.95-2.21; senior: p<0.05; d=1.01-1.99), except in age in U’18 (p=0.97; d=0.01). Respect to external workload, differences were found related to category (p<0.01; ωp²= 0.02-0.05, small) and sex (p<0.01; ωp²= 0.04-0.21, small to high), except in Steps (p=0.47; ωp²= 0.00), finding the greatest sex-related differences in U’16 category. From the differences found in anthropometrical characteristics and external workload, their evaluation during competition allows designing specific training sessions with the purpose of sports performance enhancement in beach handball.