臺灣教育社會學研究 (Jun 2013)
善不善終對安寧工作者的新教育觀:生命教育與工作調適的鑲嵌 A New Educational Perspective on Good Deaths and Bad Deaths for Hospice Workers: Embedding Life Education in Work Adjustment
本研究以安寧療護工作者對於生命教育看法及個人工作調適狀況進行探討,以期提升職場適應能力。本研究以質性研究法,從五家設有安寧病房醫院進行立意取樣,透過焦點團體訪談蒐集資料,結合內容分析與紮根理論方法,瞭解安寧療護工作者職場工作調適狀況與生命教育的關聯。生命教育應該是生死並重,並擁有多元、歷程、階段及終身性,才能達到生命教育的廣度與深度。其次,生命教育的實施策略有二:一者抽象,該內容多半由宗教得來的,其意涵對民眾較難以理解;二為具體,包含自己與自己、自己與他人、自己與大自然環境,以及自己與天/神性的關係,這四種不同視野較能清楚具體提供對生命的體悟。第三,關於生命教育的阻力來自「微視」、「居間」、「鉅視」與「循環互動」四種系統交流,有關死亡議題特別受其阻礙。第四,安寧工作者對於職場的負向調適,於認知、情緒及行為難免呈現著僵化、絕對與低挫折忍受力狀態,若有提供好的支持力量,可朝正向的調適發展。第五,工作者進入安寧病房服務前後,若能提早在小學以前給予生命層次的生命教育,可及早提高日後面對失落或死亡事件的調適能力,並產生內化效果,一方面學習珍惜「現有」,另一方面也懂得面對「失」。第六,關於工作者的支持系統,分為三種:信仰符號、大自然及天/神性,不但為工作者靈性的開展,也能成為自己生命之深層的支撐力量。研究結論發現,首先對於生命教育推廣部分,應朝向生死並重的平衡狀態,然而,使用抽象與具體之實施策略,較容易跨越人們避談死亡等禁忌之界線。其次,生命教育的內涵,有三種系統可支撐著工作者,信仰符號的媒介,讓人面臨失落或創痛時,可藉此獲得撫慰;大自然的支持系統如有聲書或繪本等媒介提供給不同年齡層談論生死的安全感;在天或神的支持系統,使得人們能依 循此系統超越苦難,進而獲得靈性上的平安。 This study explored the views of hospice workers towards life education and the personal adjustments they make in their work, in the hope of finding ways to improve their ability in the workplace. The study used focus group, content analysis methods, and grounded theory, gathering perspectives from five hospitals with in-patient hospice wards. Life education should balance perspectives on life and death, and provide multiple, multi-stage, processed, and lifelong content in order to achieve depth and breadth. Life education requires both concrete and abstract strategies. Concrete strategies include relationships between “self and self,” “self and others,” “self and the natural environment,” and “self and the divine.” Abstract strategies include insights derived from spiritual or religious viewpoints. The promotion of life education is limited by micro, meso, macro, and interactive systems. If life education can be commenced earlier, its effects on people suffering bereavement will be enhanced. According to the research group, three systems can provide positive support to workers in life education: the mediation of symbolic-beliefs, support systems of nature, and spiritual support systems.