Nuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos (Sep 2013)

Construcción, entronización y degradación de los símbolos de la identidad nacional en el cine mexicano contemporáneo

  • Carlos García Benítez



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To found the nation as a political speech implied spreading cinema as a cultural phenomenon in different means. The ideas that explained and illustrated the meaning of the Mexican nation were widely known through radio and cinema during last century. The cinema was particularly used to collaborate creating a national identity. This was possible because, it appeared a group of symbolic repertoires in different movies that served for “to look and to recognize to the nation”, among other narrative resources, especially in the so called Golden Age of Mexican cinema. Inside this symbolic universe, those symbols identified as the foundational signs of the homeland appeared, usually in a exalted way thematically and in cinematographic language. However, in a politically changing time as these days, the uses of the symbolic repertoires of the nation have found also other uses, where its privileged situation stopped being the same, even to the degree of seeing their own critique. That happens in the Mexican contemporary cinema’s expression, and we will try to explain it in the present essay.
