Дискурс Пи (Apr 2022)

Chinese Scientists on the New World Order and the Role of China in It

  • Kovba,
  • D.M.

Journal volume & issue
no. Т. 19 1


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The article is devoted to the study of the features of Chinese academic discourse in the field of international relations. The relevance of the work is due to the high interest of Russian authors in China's foreign policy, its strategies, and the "big ideas" promoted by it. Official statements by Chinese leaders often become part of the agenda of the world media, but the opinions of Chinese scientists remain behind the scenes. In this case, it isinteresting how they interpret various aspects of the global rise of the PRC, what research traditions they adhere to, how they assess the state of the national school of international relations, and what global governance strategies they offer. The material for the article was the book "China Debates Its Global Role: Chinese Scholars on Chinese Scholarship", published in English in September 2021. Its content is the result of the accumulation of views of Chinese authors whose works, as a rule, are published in Chinese, and therefore are unknown to English- and Russian-speaking audiences. As a result of the analysisof the material, it was found that Chinese researchers are aware of and support the policy of the country's leaders to raise the prestige of national science. The creation of the Chinese School of International Relations is intended to reduce the dominance of Western theories. It is revealed that, according to the researchers, building up strategic capacity, institutional strength, and normative power should be the Chinese foreign policy priorities. At the same time, the most mentioned scenario of the world order is the idea of symbiotic existence. It can be argued that the majority of Chinese researchers support more active participation of the country in the formation of a new world order, but oppose explicit and open confrontation with the United States, Russia and other major states. Other features of the discourse are the postulated need in consideration of the national specifics both in the academic sphere and while reforming various institutions; as well as the idea of establishing justice in the situation of inequality of Western states and developing countries.
