International Journal of Health Policy and Management (Feb 2016)

Bomb or Boon: Linking Population, People and Power in Fragile Regions; Comment on “The Pill Is Mightier Than the Sword”

  • Raymond Gilpin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 2
pp. 109 – 111


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The relationship between population structure and violent conflict is complex and heavily dependent on the behavior of other variables like governance, economic prospects, and urbanization. While addressing rapid population growth might be a necessary condition for peace, it is by no means sufficient. Concomitant steps must also be taken to foster inclusivity, guarantee broader rights for all, particularly women, rebuild social contracts and ensure that all citizens have equal access to economic opportunity. Measures to control family size could reduce dependency and create greater socio-economic opportunities for women and youth, By so doing, the “youth bulge” phenomenon could be a boon for rapidly growing developing countries.
