Недвижимость: экономика, управление (Jun 2021)
National priorities and national projects in the housing sector of modern Russia
The article is devoted to the analysis of implementation efficiency of the housing policy in Russia as the most important direction of the state economic policy. It is noted that all countries rec-ognize the importance of housing security for the health of the nation and economic growth. The studies have shown that problems of housing development, including the availability and ade-quacy of housing are among the national priorities in the state economic policy and are imple-mented throughout a system of strategic documents and national projects that define goals, ob-jectives, directions and target indicators of the state housing policy. The article shows a system of target indicators for the development of the housing sector, which allow us to assess the effec-tiveness of housing policy in Russia. The most important indicators are the volume of housing construction and the average housing availability. Based on the official statistical data of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) and the Bank of Russia, the analysis of the dynamics of housing construction development is carried out and the main trends in housing construction were identified, such as: increased spatial heterogeneity in the distribution of housing invest-ments, a decrease in the volume of housing construction, an increase in demand for new housing, and a deterioration in the typological structure of built housing. The article shows the impact of project financing and the reduction of mortgage rates on the housing construction dynamics. Us-ing methods of correlation-regression and factor analysis, as well as scenario approach a forecast of achievability of the target indicators for the development of the housing sector in Russia is made. It is concluded that it is essential to adjust the strategic target indicators of housing con-struction as well as the state housing policy. Measures to improve availability and adequacy of housing for the Russian population are proposed. Acknowledgments. The reported research was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research and by the Tomsk Region Government, grant No. 18-410-700013