Nuclear Physics B (Jan 2021)
Prospective constraints on anomalous Higgs boson interactions in an effective Lagrangian via diphoton production at FCC-hh
We study the CP-conserving and CP-violating dimension-six operators of Higgs-gauge boson couplings via pp→γγ+n-jet signal process in a strongly interacting light Higgs based effective field theory framework at the center of mass energy of 100 TeV. In order to perform a simulation which includes realistic detector effects, the signal events in the existence of c¯γ, c˜γ, c¯g and c˜g Wilson coefficients and the relevant SM background events are generated in MadGraph, then passed through Pythia 8 for parton showering and finally run Delphes with FCC-hh detector card. In our analysis, we focus on the kinematic variables of the two photons in the final states of signal and relevant background processes that can reconstruct Higgs boson. We obtain constraints on the four Wilson coefficients of dimension-six operators using the transverse momentum distribution of reconstructed di-photon system with optimized kinematic cuts. The obtained 95% confidence level limits on these four Wilson coefficients including detector effects at s=100TeV with an integrated luminosity of 30 ab−1 without systematic error are at least one order or better than current experimental limits reported by ATLAS experiment. Even with δsys=2% systematic error, we find comparable limits with current experimental results.