Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan (Jun 2013)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi (1) tingkat capaian UU no. 14 tahun 2005 tentang guru dan dosen, (2) beban mengajar guru SMK yang telah disertifikasi, dan (3) dampak sertifikasi ter-hadap kinerja guru di mata masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang di-gunakan deskriptif, populasi sebanyak 954 orang guru, sampel di-pilih sebanyak 247 orang dengan teknik random sampling. Data di-kumpulkan dengan angket dan dianalisis menggunakan teknik des-kriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) secara umum guru SMK telah memenuhi kriteria UU No. 14 Tahun 2005 ten-tang Guru dan Dosen; (2) sebagian besar guru SMK telah mem-peroleh beban mengajar yang sesuai dengan yang ditetapkan peme-rintah yaitu 24 jam tatap muka, dan (3) secara umum dampak serti-fikasi relatif kecil terhadap kinerja guru, namun cukup baik ter-hadap kesejahteraan guru kejuruan. Kata kunci: evaluasi, sertifikasi, kinerja guru SMK ______________________________________________________________ PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL’S CERTIFIED TEACHERS IN WEST SUMATRA Abstract This study was aimed to evaluate the achievement level of: (1) Law no. 14 of 2005 on teachers and lecturers, (2) the teaching load of vocational school teachers who have been certified, and (3) the impact of certification on the teachers’ performance. The research used descriptive method. The population comprised 954 teachers, and sample of 247 people were selected with a random sampling technique. Data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive techniques. The study found (1) the general vocational teachers had met the criteria of the law no. 14 of 2005 on teachers and lecturers. (2) the majority of teachers had acquired vocational teaching load in accordance with the government's full 24-hour face-to-face, and (3) in general, the impact of certification is relatively little on the performance of certified teachers, but good enough for the welfare of vocational teachers. Keywords: evaluation, certification, vocational teacher performance