Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures (Jun 2014)
Enjeux d’un plurilinguisme réceptif
The action research project carried out on "SolidarNet", one of GDF SUEZ’s Corporate Social Networks, showed that some of the members / users seem to harbor a feeling of incompetence or exclusion mainly due to expected linguistic competencies and language practices. The lack of participation due to a perception of linguistic barriers within the social network is likely to compromise the objectives of the deployment of such a work and communication tool. We have here a disparity between good will and reality. Could mutual understanding processes provide a solution to this difficult situation ? By stressing the "production" capability in a foreign language with reference to multilingualism representations, would reading comprehension skills be harmed ? However, couldn't these skills be regarded as a full-fledged competence ? Wouldn't a valorization and use of the users’ ability to understand texts in other languages than their mother-tongues be an enrichment not only for written exchanges within the workplace of international companies but also for linguistic diversity ?