Науковий Вісник Південноукраїнського Національного Педагогічного Університету імені К. Д. Ушинського (Sep 2020)
European practice of professional qualifications validation on the basis of non-formal education
The transformation of the labour market has led to paradigm shifts in education, contributing to the development of lifelong learning and non-formal education. Currently in Ukraine, there is no legal construct regulating the process of recognising the results of such education. The study aims to examine the European experience in validating the non-formal and informal education, which can be useful in formulating appropriate policies for the award of professional qualifications in Ukraine. The study is mainly based on a retrospective analysis of the European policy. Встановлено, що у визначенні процедур на загальноєвропейському рівні послуговуються такими документами, як: It is revealed that at the All-European level, these document are used to define the designated procedures: "European guidelines for the recognition of non-formal and informal education" (2009), Council of Europe Recommendations on the recognition of non-formal and informal education (2012), European Centre for the Development of Vocational Education (CEDEFOP) on the Recognition of Non-Formal and Informal Learning (2017), EU Council Recommendation on the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (2017). These documents focus on the institutional field of validation of professional qualifications acquired through non-formal learning, involvement of representatives of various public sectors and implementation of coordination mechanisms. At the same time, diversified practice of confirmation and assignment of professional qualifications on the basis of non-formal learning has been developed in European countries. Professional associations and business structures, on the basis of which qualification centres (assessment centres) operate, play an important role in the processes of qualifications validation. The recognition of non-formal learning outcomes and validation of professional qualifications follow the same standards as the ones assigned for both formal education and the national qualifications framework.