Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing (Dec 2007)

The implications of the hospitalization for the child, his family and nursing team. A descriptive exploratory study.

  • Cassiana Silva Rossi,
  • Benedita Maria Rêgo Deusdará Rodrigues

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 3


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The object of the present study is the implications of the hospitalization for children considering the different evolutionary phases of the infantile development. The objectives are to analyze the nursing production that approaches the subject of the relative's insert in the care to the hospitalized child and to discuss the implications of the hospitalization for the child, family and nursing team. It is descriptive exploratory study with base in bibliographical rising, whose search had as main focus the use of the words key "child hospitalized" in the Base of Data of Nursing (BDENF) and in the Latin-American Literature and of Caribbean in Sciences of the Health (LILACS). We concluded that the nursing team fits to create strategies of inclusion of the family in the care to the child during his hospitalization, stimulating the relative's presence for the explanations concerning the disease and his son's treatment and where can express their anguishes and limitations or supplying the needs of attention and affection in the absence of the same.
