Андрология и генитальная хирургия (Nov 2014)

Results of pilot epidemiological study of androgen deficiency prevalence at men in ambulance practice of various specialities’ doctors (Yaroslavl study)

  • I. A. Tyuzikov

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 3
pp. 23 – 28


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In original article results of the first similar in Russia pilot epidemiological study of androgen deficiency’ prevalence at men with the most frequent and socially-significant somatic pathology at their primary reference of various profile doctors-experts of a primary ambulance link of public health services are presented (Yaroslavl Study). 670 men at the age from 18 till 60 years have taken part in the study at which screening estimation of androgen status on the basis of a questionnaire of Morley and unitary laboratory definition of common testosterone blood level has been executed. Results of study have shown that in ambulance patients stage of rendering of specialised medical aid on the average at 32.8 % of men possible to reveal possible clinical and laboratory criteria of androgen deficiency. However, accurate correlations between possible clinical symptoms of androgen deficiency and common testosterone blood level were didn’t revealed, therefore it is necessary to consider results both clinical, and laboratory inspection for androgen deficiency’ diagnosis statement. Frequency of possible clinical symptoms of androgen deficiency has appeared the greatest at endocrinologist’s patients (49.2 %), further with a small separation went patientsof urologist (45.3 %) and therapist (26.7 %). Among patients of cardiologist not less than 22.7 % of men have possible clinical symptoms of androgen deficiency, and among patients of neurologist – not less than 19.0 %. Laboratory researches have revealed diagnostics low common testosterone blood level at 38.3 % of endocrinologist’s patients, at 50.0 % of patients of urologist, at 45.3 % of patients of therapist, at 46.7 % of patients of cardiologist and at 14.0 % of patients of neurologist. Thus, the conducted pilot epidemiological study has shown high frequency of androgen deficiency among ambulance patients of doctors of various specialities that does the given disease by a socially-significant and interdisciplinary problem of modern medicine.
