Prizren Social Science Journal (Aug 2019)
Maternal and Child Health Services in The Border Area of Indonesia-East Timor-Based on Community Empowerment
Health care is a human right for communities who arranged mandatory organized by government mandate bases on Constitution 1945. Maternal health services include antenatal, childbirth services and parturition. While children's services are, include the ministries of the newborn, baby and toddlers. In North Central Timor Regency (TTU) in the last five years maternal mortality (AKI), infant mortality (AKB) and Mortality Toddler (AKABA) is very fluctuating. This illustrates that the district health degree requires revamping TTU Regency thoroughly of all aspects related to it. The acceleration of the decline in the mortality rate of mothers, babies and toddlers will improve public health degrees in North Central Timor. This done through community empowerment approach in the field of maternal and child health in which the community does not placed as health development destinations but placed as subjects of health development to enhance the knowledge, attitudes and behavior as well as self-reliance community for healthy living. Community empowerment in the health field can be encouraged through the Health Efforts Resource of Community (UKBM) such as the village health post, a postal village, the construction of an integrated, unified service and post maternity huts are scattered in the whole area villages of North Central Timor. Through community empowerment in the health community field, getting involved is active in the health service because the public join the plan, monitor, evaluate and keep maternal and child health services According to applicable minimum service standard. It can also increase public awareness in the mindset and behave clean living and healthy because of the maternal and child health issues in North Central Timor Regency not only just the responsibility of the Department of Health of North Central Timor, but also be the responsibility of all elements in society. Therefore it takes cooperation of cross-program and cross-sector, i.e. Government Sectors, Private Sector, Community and Health Care in this area so as able to increase the degree of maternal and child health in North Central Timor Regency. Key words: Public Health, North Central Timor Regency,Empowerment, Community HealthHealth Resources.