Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Jun 2015)
ІСТОРІЯ СТАНОВЛЕННЯ ТМО «ПСИХІАТРІЯ» У М. КИЄВІ / The history of clinic "Psychiatry" in Kyiv
Напреенко А., Мишиев В.,Кашпор Е. История становления ТМО «Психиатрия» в г. Киеве Представлены данные про историю ТМО «Психиатрия» в г. Киеве. Уточнены и конкретизированы ключевые даты в истории становления психиатрии в г. Киеве. На основе анализа исторического опыта отображены основные стратегии и направления развития ТМО «Психиатрия» в г. Киеве. Ключевые слова:ТМО «Психиатрия» в г. Киев, Кирилловские учреждения, медперсонал, пациент, история психиатрии, история оказания медицинской помощи психически больным, научная деятельность. Napryeyenko Olexander, Mishyjev Vyacheslav, Kashpor Yevhen.THE HISTORY OF CLINIC "PSYCHIATRY" IN KYIV This article presents information of the historical way of TMA "Psychiatry" in Kyiv. It start TMA "Psychiatry" history since the creation of the necessary items for the functioning of the house for mentally sick persons in the territory of Kirillov Monastery (1803-1805). In our days, 2013 year by decision of the Kyiv City Council all specialized psychiatric clinics (except KMTSSPE) were joined into territorial medical association "Psychiatry" in Kiev. Association was held at the Kyiv city clinical psychoneurological hospital №1 with the same name: TMA "Psychiatry" in Kyiv. Clarified and specified key dates in the history of the development of psychiatry in Kiev. In the development of psychiatry it was decided to distinguish between pre-reform – “orders” period and post-reform or “provincial” period. For Kyiv mental hospital “provincial” period started only in 1904. By this time the hospital was run by “Prikaz opiky”. Seniors of this establishment cared a little for the psychiatric help in Kyiv. Meanwhile, provincial psychiatry successfully developed, the organization in Kiev was in distress. One of the serious shortcomings of this period was a constant discrepancy between budgeted allocations for the maintenance of the house for the mentally sick persons and the necessary costs for the actual number of patients, which was always far exceeded then the projected number of beds, and a mismatch between available area and the actual need for it. This created difficult conditions for patients, drastically worsened sanitary status of clinic. The situation in clinic for the mentally ill had not changed even with the introduction in 1904 of new rules of principal status as also upgrade it to "full provincial” in 1912. In such difficult situation was Psychiatric Hospital till 1921.After 1921 psychiatric help in Kyiv became better. During the time there were increased appropriations for the maintenance patients. Kirill hospital was the typical psychiatric hospital with the withdrawal from its territory somatic departaments. In period 1924 – 1933 clinic was completely rebuilt, expanded its economic base and medical work. In the case of health-improvement research, organization of hospitals and training doctors play an important role of the Department, working at the hospital. In 2000 it was accepted and confirmed the first Law of Ukraine" by Psychiatric care legal provision of mental health care within the standards of developed countries. The law defines the legal and organizational basis for this type of assistance based on the priority of individual rights. The importance of social issues in psychiatry increases grew up with the democratization of Ukrainian society. With the view to the full development of psychiatry it was provided, as its comprehensive integration of basic sciences (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, medical psychology, etc.). Keywords: TMA "Psychiatry" in Kyiv, Kirill institutions, medical staff, patient, psychiatry, history, historical development providing medical aid, mentally ill, scientific activity.