Chemical Engineering Transactions (Apr 2014)
On the Effects of a Triple Aggression (Fragment, Blast, Fireball) on an LPG Storage
A possible event during a domino effect escalation is the projection and impact of a fragment on a storage. The fragment can be a consequence of a previous industrial accident, or may originate from a terrorist action. If this previous event (triggering event) is an explosion, the fragment impact can be combined with others effects such as blast or fireball. Many papers can be found about the impact of a fragment, a blast or heat fluxes on a tank during a domino effect. But very few work focused on a combination fragment + blast + fire ball. An experimental work was performed in order to study that topic. Fragments were launched against tanks containing LPG. A pyrotechnic setup was used to generate a blast effect and a fire ball. The influence of three effects (fragment, blast, heat) on the tank is be presented and discussed in order to better understand the domino effect occurrence in chemical plants.