Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering (Dec 2022)
Analysis of Structural Reliability of Complex Coefficients Fractional-Order System Using Plane Transformation
The main goal of the paper is to achieve the structural reliability of the failure components in the system that can be modelled as a Transfer Function (TF). The classical reliability of the power system has been a major field for research in the past decades, which has resulted in the reliability of the power grid by integrating the failure rates of the system components. As a result, a gap analysis is carried out by modelling the failure components into TF, and a comparison of structural and classical reliability is explained in the paper. The paper expands on methodology of the mapping technique for transforming a system from one domain to another. By doing so, the transformation of the Complex Coefficients Integer Order (CCIO) and the Complex Coefficients Fractional Order (CCFO) system transfer function becomes the Non-complex Coefficients Integer Order (NCCIO) in nature. Therefore, the root locus plot for the transformed system is observed as the symmetrical structure about the real axis. Therefore, the plane transformation becomes advantageous in the field of structural reliability analysis. The root locus plot for the transformed system into a w-plane becomes reliable as per the symmetrical structure. The reliability index Loss of Load Probability (LOLE) has been evaluated with different forced outage rates of the system components to analysis the classical reliability of the system.