Abbasid Jumeirah, Dubai. An Overview of the Site and Its Architectural Stucco Decoration
Jumeirah (Dubai) is one of the most important sites for the understanding of the Abbasid period in eastern Arabia. At the same time, it is severely understudied and the small number of publications available on the subject situates Jumeirah on the margins of academic debate about the region in the Islamic period. This paper aims to prompt discussion on Jumeirah by presenting an overview of the site, a summary of archaeological research and a preliminary study of the typology of stucco decorations. Some issues regarding problems with the reconstructions and renovations of the buildings are also raised. The study of stuccoes contributes to a better understanding of the site’s chronology, indicating its main phase of occupation to the Abbasid period and the possible existence of an earlier, pre-ninth or early ninth century phase.