Netcom (Jan 2020)
Jouer et modéliser un territoire sans voiture : retour d’expérience sur le projet post-car Île-de-France
This paper deals with an urban foresight exercise combining a board game and modeling. This experiment, entitled "post-car Île-de-France", (UMR Géographie-cités & Forum Vies Mobiles), aimed to propose a serious game to explore the hypothesis of a strong reduction in car mobility. The production of a device - an agent-based model and a board game - made it possible to explore configurations of car-free territories and their evolution over thirty years. This serious game was tested in 2018 and 2019 in workshops with various audiences (students, general public and researchers). We propose in this article to explore three main aspects, a methodological aspect (the co-production of a model and a game), an explanation of the game sessions (playing the post-car hypothesis) and a reflection on the contribution of the serious game to the renewal of tools and reflections on the city of tomorrow (the game, a foresight tool?).