Вестник Самарского государственного технического университета. Серия: Психолого-педагогические науки (Jan 2022)
Uncertainty of the image of consumer behavioral disorders in the representations of students
Our time is called the era of consumption. Consumerism as a phenomenon is rapidly developing in the space of Russia and is one of the psychological characteristics of modern youth, including students. That is why this work was devoted to the study of the uncertainties of the image of violations of consumer behavior in students perceptions. To achieve the goal of the study, an overview of studies on the characteristics of consumer behavior in modern Russian humanitarian publications over the past five years is presented. The most relevant aspects of cognition of the psychology of consumer behavior are revealed: phenomenology, definition of the concept, deviations in consumer behavior, etc. Consumerism was found to lead to a disease affluence. The aim of the study was to identify students perceptions of consumer behavior disorders. It was assumed that the students ideas about violations of consumer behavior are characterized by blurry and uncertainty due to the fact that this aspect is not the subject of their professional training. 72 students aged 20 to 24 years of the Pedagogical University were engaged in a diagnostic conversation. The data obtained during the survey were interpreted using the Wu Xing pentagram method. The analysis of students ideas about psychological disorders of consumer behavior is given. The anti-motives of consumption are revealed. They were modeled into a reflected pyramid of needs on the basis of A. Maslows theory of needs. In the conclusion, it is indicated that the hypothesis put forward has not been confirmed.