Podium (Apr 2014)

Pedagogic alternative to integrate the Basketball’ skills in sixth grade students

  • Barbara Aleida Lam-Peralta,
  • Dianelys Ginebra-Romero,
  • Yordanys Fuentes-Lago

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 1
pp. 62 – 75


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All the sports, with or without balls, have as a main function to contribute to the development of the new generations, therefore the didactic orientation should be adapted in dependence of each sport, because they help to the motivation of their participants and it is appreciated that the objectives and contents of the Basketball programs for primary teaching, emphasize its project in function of creating the ideal pattern of the technical structure that identifies this sport. In this research they were used as investigative technique the interview and the survey, supported on different theoretical methods, among them we can mention the analysis and synthesis, historical-logical, and modelation. Significant results were obtained after having applied the alternative, because they were losing a lot of time teaching isolated skills and when culminating the sport or the period the students didn't know how to integrate each one of the technical elements, and therefore they didn't learn how to play getting the following conclusion: The results in the study confirmed the necessity to modify the teaching form. The current diagnosis of the group brought forth as main difficulties: The insufficient mastering in the dribbles with direction change and the shot in movement, as well as the coordination of the different skills. The practical theoretical studies allowed to propose a pedagogic alternative supported on games to contribute to a better skill's learning. The application of the pedagogic alternative demonstrated its effectiveness directed to the Basketball game skills learning.
