Reflexão & Ação (Jul 2011)
This paper these are the results of research with young people on the island of Santa Catarina (Florianópolis) who have undergone vocational training and experience various situations of work and education. How do young people construct their identities in these spaces as work and school and what the meanings that emerge from the work and experience with unemployment is the central problem of this study. The objective was to analyze the heterogeneity experienced by young people in establishing relationship with work and education, the meanings of work and experience with unemployment today. The approach is qualitative in that we conducted semi-structured interviews with eight young (four men and four women). The results show that young people are constructed as subjects through different experiences in a procedural relationship dynamics. The dimension that work occupies in their lives, appears as essential in their experiences. Experience with unemployment shows oscillations, fluctuations, inconsistencies, and uncertainties surrounding movements of continuities and discontinuities in the face of changing world of work. The diversity of meanings of work is characterized by the complexity of their own identity ever constitution, on grounds that the world is constantly changing. Were seized as wires that connect and intersect, depending on the context in which young people experience. The choices are between the uncertainties and actual, possible and desired about their educational and work projects. Keywords - Youth, identity, work, education, the island of Santa Catarina