Revista MENDIVE (May 2021)
Model for perfecting the scientific text composition from the continuous formation/Modelo para el perfeccionamiento de la redacción de textos científicos desde la formación continua
The fundamental mission of the institutions of Superior Education is the formation of professionals able to respond with efficiency and effectiveness to the requirements of the society where they are located, for what you/they require to put on to tone with the social demands of the historical time in which you/they are unwrapped. The objective to propose a model for the improvement of the writing of scientific texts from the continuous formation for the educational of the career Degree in Accounting and Finances of the University Jose Marti Perez of Sancti Spiritus. It was used as general method the dialectical-materialistic one supported by the analytic-synthetic, inductive-deductive, systemic-structural, the modeling, analysis of documents, scientific observation, group interviews to directive, it interviews to the educational ones, he/she interviews group to the educational ones, I study of the products of the activity of the educational ones of the career, pedagogic pre-experiment and experts' approach. The construction of the pattern presented from their theoretical and methodological base. The pattern was characterized to establish nexuses from the integration of the structural and functional components that facilitate the formative dynamics by means of the linking professional preparation and scientific-investigative activity, from the collaborative thing and dialogic like answer to its theoretical conception - methodological. It particularized it learning making by means of the products of their activity from the coalition of him singular-group, the road used to reach the improvement of knowledge, abilities, attitudes and the process of continuity and prolonger of the preparation in which the teaching-learning process is framed.