Results in Materials (Jun 2022)
Investigation of microstructure, molecular weight of polyallylamine and polyvinyl sulfonic acid and copolymers by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry
Polyallylamine hydrochloride P(AlAm.HCl) is a polycationic polymer and Polyvinyl sulfonic acid P (VSA) is an anionic polymer. Therefore, synthesis of copolymer between (AlAm.HCl) and (VSA) in the different mole ratios of feed composition, can be obtained amphiphilic copolymers. To the best of our knowledge, there has not been performed research regarding the identification of polymers and copolymers of P(AlAm) and P(VSA), and This is the first study of the identification of polymers and copolymers of P(AlAm), and P(VSA). In this work, we investigated microstructural behavior and molecular weight of homo and copolymers by MALDI-TOF Mass spectrometry. The intensity peak for P(AlAm.HCl) is higher than P(AlAm)., we observed intensity peaks in 1700–2100 Da and 2300–2500 Da. Therefore, we can mention the molecular weight in P(AlAm.HCl) is higher than P(AlAm). Therefore, the molecular weight of P(AlAm.HCl) is higher than P(AlAm). For investigation of the microstructure and the molecular weight of P(VSA) and P(VSANa), we used MALDI-TOF Mass spectroscopy and obtained cyclic formation for P(VSA). Also, it can be investigated the microstructure of synthesized copolymer by MALDI-TOF-Mass spectroscopy. Then, the P(AlAmHCl) amount in a mole ratio of feed composition is high, Therefore, the microstructure of copolymer tendency to alternate copolymers. P(AlAm.HCl) is purely amorphous, while P(AlAm) showed some weak NaCl intensity peaks. The structures were completely amorphous as specified from the XRD patterns. It was also observed that the amount of holes in SEM micrographs increases as the VSA amount increases.