Zdravniški Vestnik (Oct 2001)
Background. Arthroscopy of the ankle joint hasbecome a standard diagnostic method. Some types of injuriesof the ankle joint can be successfully treated with arthroscopicprocedures.Methods. From 1993 to 2001 we have performed operativearthroscopy at 47 patients with different pathological conditions,including osteochondral fractures, osteochondritis dissecans,osteoarthritis secondary to ankle joint injury, loosebodies, anterior soft tissue impigement, septic arthritis anddeformation after healing of talus fracture. The following arthroscopicprocedures were carried out: synovectomy, removalof osteophytes , fragments, unstable cartilage, loose bodies, cicatrices and dislocated bone in the front of the joint afterhealing of the talus fracture, drilling of the chondral defectsand cleaning of the joint at purulent arthritis.Results. The results were evaluated by Martin’s scale. At thefollow up results were excellent at 25 patients (53%), good at17 (36%), fair at 3 (16%) and bad at 2 patients (4%). We hadmoderate complications at 4 patients (8.5%). At three transienthiposensibility of the dorsolateral part of the food wasoccurred because of injury of the branches of the superficialperoneal nerve. One patient has had synovial fistul for twomonths which has closed spontaneously. This is correlated withdata in literature.Conclusions. In some cases we found out the real diagnosis atarthroscopy but we have never done only diagnostic arthroscopy.We mean according to our results that some injuriesand diseases of the ankle joint have to be treated by arthroscopicsurgical methods. We mean also according to over experiencesthat only diagnostical arthroscopy should not be done.Always operative arthroscopy has to be performed.