Psychology, Society & Education (Jul 2016)
Actitudes y creencias hacia la discapacidad en clases de educación física. Una cuestión educativa
To talk about disability at school, is contemplating students not only deficient in their physical, sensory or mental structure, but also their experiences in a social context that forces to interact adapted with their environment in classes of physical education. The sample (N=71), collected randomly among high school students, fellow students with disabilities, aged 12 and 18 years (M=14.57; SD=1.51). With a mixed methodology, using questionnaires on changing attitudes and beliefs towards disability, and interviews with professionals (N = 6) school environment, to contrast the information obtained in the quantitative part. Appear high values of beliefs about disability in favor of boys, while girls show higher attitudes toward their mates disabled/as. Appear High values of beliefs about disability in favor of boys, while girls show higher attitudes toward their mates disabled/as. Likewise, with increase the beliefs integration, students have less recognition and involvement, so the intent is reduced.