Paediatrica Indonesiana (Aug 2012)

Efficacy of synbiotic and probiotic treatments on acute watery diarrhea in children

  • Ani Isti Rokhmawati,
  • Wahyu Damayanti,
  • Madarina Julia

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 52, no. 4
pp. 209 – 12


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Background In developing countries, acute watery diarrhea is a common cause of morbidity and mortality in children. Giving synbiotics or probiotics may decrease the severity of diarrhea. Objective To compare the efficacy of synbiotics and probiotics in decreasing the frequency of diarrhea, shortening the duration, and increasing patient body weight. Methods This was a double􀀷blind, randomized clinical trial to compare the effects of synbiotic vs probiotic treatment in children aged 6􀀷59 months v.ith acute watery diarrhea. This study was performed from October to December 2010 in two hospitals in Central Java. Subjects received either synbiotics or probiotics daily for five days. The measured outcomes were duration of diarrhea, daily frequency of diarrhea, and increase in body weight. Results There was no significant difference in the mean duration of the diarrhea in the synbiotic and probiotic groups, 3.92 days (SD 0.79) vs 3.80 days (SD 0.82) ,(P􀀸0.35), respectively. Nor did we observe a significant difference in the mean increase in body weight in the synbiotic and probiotic groups, 150 g (SD 49.7) vs 160 g (SD 48.9), (P􀀸 0.67), respectively. Conclusion We observed no significant differences in efficacy of synbiotic and probiotic treatment for management of acute watery diarrhea. [Paediatr Indones. 2012;52:209,12].
