Хабаршысы. Экономика сериясы (Jun 2021)

The formation and development issues of the National Innovation System of Kazakhstan

  • D.E. Baksultanov,
  • N.A. Kurmanov,
  • N.Sh. Syrlybayeva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 136, no. 2
pp. 60 – 71


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The article reflects the conceptual aspects of the formation and development of the National Inno-vation System (NIS) of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Based on the results of the content analysis, which includes the works of foreign scientists and the OECD publications on the innovative system develop-ment, the article provides author’s vision of the «national innovation system» and main components of the system. The essence of the innovation system is examined within the retrospect and modern condi-tions. It also assesses set of systemic and integrated measures for the innovative capacity development based on the adopted strategic and program documents within the state planning system of industrial and innovative development issues. Weaknesses of the current innovation policy, that creates barriers for the effective functioning of the NIS and understates positions of Kazakhstan in international rankings on the competitiveness and innovative potential assessment, are identified. The main prospects for the knowledge-based and innovative economy development of Kazakhstan are determined. Kazakhstan innovation ecosystem, which includes a set of components (consumer segments, value propositions, promotion channels, relationships between participants, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partners and cost structure) necessary to improve the efficiency of the NIS, was visually graphed and presented via «Canvas» model
