The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Jun 2021)
The general census of population and housing is a statistical operation which consists in counting all the populations and all the dwellings of a given territory at a precise date which must produce data of interest to t users and this is the essential statistical purpose of their execution. Each operation executed during a census must have the goal of producing results that meet the needs of the users. The information collected in this way has several interests of the country. The census in Algeria is taken by the National Statistics Office (ONS) which is preparing its sixth General Census of Population and Housing (RGPH). The census is organized in four steps that are: Cartographic Preparation, Staff Training, Execution of the RGPH, and Exploitation.Algeria, in this year 2020 is in phase of preparation of the RGPH, this phase relates to the cartographic aspect and our contribution will relate to the elaboration of a geographic information system (GIS) This phase concerns the cartographic aspect and our contribution will focus on the development of a geographic information system (GIS) allowing the management of the first stage of the RGPH operation, the latter having a mainly cartographic aspect. The design and production of this BDG were made on the basis of the reflections resulting from a careful study of the manuals for this operation and interviews with the local managers of this. In this perspective, a bibliographical study was made to be inspired by the experiences of other countries, and to gain some insight into the techniques used in them.The tools offered by Open Source software represent an important alternative to find a solution to this problem. The information collected during this preparation phase is also important and is very useful for local actors to better understand the space and distribution of the population, which will allow a more rational management of resources.The objective of this paper is focus of the integration of spatial techniques in the census in Algeria while presenting the national office of statistics. An overview of census techniques in different countries is made to illustrate the know-how of this national office. The purpose of the general population census is to give the state a means that cannot be circumvented so that it can plan, among other things, the budget for the coming years according to the distribution of the population and its demographics.