AIP Advances (May 2018)

Characteristic features of the magnetoresistance in the ferrimagnetic (Sr2FeMoO6-δ) – dielectric (SrMoO4) nanocomposite

  • S. Demyanov,
  • N. Kalanda,
  • M. Yarmolich,
  • A. Petrov,
  • S.-H. Lee,
  • S.-C. Yu,
  • S. K. Oh,
  • D.-H. Kim

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 5
pp. 055919 – 055919-7


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Magnetic metal-oxide compounds with high values of magnetoresistance (MR) have attracted huge interest for spintronic applications, among which Sr2FeMoO6-δ (SFMO) has been relatively less known compared to the cobaltites and manganites, despite 100% electrons spin-polarization degree and a high Curie temperature. Here, stable fabrication and systematic analysis of nanocomposites based on SFMO with SrMoO4 dielectric sheaths are presented. SFMO-SrMoO4 nanocomposites were fabricated as follows: synthesis of the SFMO single-phase nanopowders by the modified citrate-gel technique; compaction under high pressure; thermal treatment for sheaths formation around grains. The nanocomposite is observed to exhibit a transitional behavior of conductivity from metallic, which is characteristic for the SFMO to semiconductor one in the temperature range 4 – 300K under magnetic fields up to 10T. A negative MR is observed due to the spin-polarized charge carriers tunneling through dielectric sheaths. MR value reaches 43% under 8T at 10κ. The dielectric sheaths thickness was determined to be about 10 nm by electric breakdown voltage value at current-voltage characteristics curves. The breakdown is found to be a reversible process determined by collisional ionization of dielectric atoms in strong electric field depending on knocked-out electrons from the SrMoO4. It was found that MR changes sign in electric breakdown region, revealing the giant magnetoresistive properties.