Гинекология (Dec 2014)

Evaluation of saturation of pregnant women with vitamin D in the application of different doses of сolekalciferol

  • E L Khazova,
  • V A Bart,
  • I E Zazerskaya,
  • E N Belyaeva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 6
pp. 49 – 53


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This article presents the results of a randomized prospective controlled study assessing the saturation of pregnant women with vitamin D deficiency with the original difficiency or a lack of 25(OH)D, the first blood sampling and randomization was produced at 12-16 weeks. two groups of women who have been daily recieving colecalciferol in doses of 500 IU (Group 1, n = 45) and 2000 IU (group 2, n = 45) from first trimester until delivery was analyzed . Initial average level of 25(OH)D in all pregnant women had no significant difference (16,45 ng/ml and 16,5 ng/ml, respectively). None of women of first group reached the final level of 25(OH)D corresponding to the value of the norm; 95,55% of patients in group 2 (n=43) reached the level of serum 25(OH)D 30 ng/ml (mean level of 39,11 ng/ml). Research has shown the efficacy of colecalciferol intake in doses of 2,000 IU, which may be recommended for pregnant women with 25(OH)D serum
