Clinics and Practice (Oct 2017)
Cervical fistula caused by submandibular sialolithiasis
In oto-rhino-laryngology, cases of submandibuillar sialolithiasis are common. Submandibular sialoadentis with sialolith may cause severe complications such as deep neck abscess and sepsis. We introduce a rare case of a cervical fistula with abscess caused by submandibular sialolith. The patient had diabetes. We performed drainage of the left submandibular gland that included a Wharton duct stone and abscess by an external skin incision approach. Submandibular sialoadentis due to sialolith would likely progress to neck abscess and the formation of a neck skin fistula; moreover, the condition can be worsen by the coexistence of diabetes. This neck abscess with skin fistula could have caused potentially fatal complications such a carotid artery rupture or sepsis. In such cases the infected source should be carefully removed as soon as possible.