Diversitas Journal (May 2017)

The field education: the teacher formation in contestation / A educação do campo: a formação do professor em contestação

  • Maria Aparecida Vieira de Melo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 2
pp. 293 – 311


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The teachers in the field did not always have adequate training to act with quality in the context of the field. Faced with this situation, it is important to awaken to understand how the formation of the teacher should be given to work in the rural schools with quality, above all? Having seen that in the context of the field there is a precariousness in its totality from the educational processes to the formation of the teacher, because sometimes it is treated in an insignificant way, happening anyway, because because it is an isolated school, soon there is no Management, in addition to the teachers who end up assuming various functions in addition to teaching / learning. The purpose of this research is to understand how the continuous training of teachers occurs in schools in the municipality of Canhotinho-PE, and more specifically identify the processes of in-service training, observe the pedagogical practices of teachers and, finally, recognize the quality of training Continued. The theoretical foundation that supports reflectionaction-reflection is the light of some scholars and researchers on continuing education, on-the-job training, and legislation, such as Law no. 9394/96; Ramalho (1993); Ramalho and Nuñez (2009); Corrêa (2005). Methodologically, this research was developed through interview and observation in the field of research. During the course of this work, it can be concluded that the education of rural education teachers is far from the normative framework for rural education, that is, it is still fragile, which compromises the development of educational processes in schools field.
