Advances in Mechanical Engineering (Dec 2018)
Free vibration characteristics of functionally graded Mindlin nanoplates resting on variable elastic foundations using the nonlocal elasticity theory
In this research, free vibration behavior of thick functionally graded nanoplates is carried out using the Chebyshev spectral collocation method. It is assumed that the plates are resting on variable elastic foundations. Eringen’s nonlocal elasticity theory is used to capture the size effect, and Mindlin’s first-order shear deformation plate theory is employed to model the thick nanoplates. Hamilton’s principle along with the differential form of Eringen’s constitutive relations are utilized to obtain the governing partial differential equations of motion for the functionally graded nanoplates under consideration. A numerical solution is presented by applying the spectral collocation method and the natural frequencies are obtained. A parametric study is conducted to study the effects of several factors on the natural frequencies of the functionally graded nanoplates. It is found that the parameters of the variable elastic foundation (Winkler and shear moduli), thickness to length ratio, length to width ratio (aspect ratio), the nonlocal scale coefficient, the gradient index, the foundation type, and the boundary conditions have a remarkable influence on the free vibration characteristics of the functionally graded nanoplates.