Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira (Jun 2023)
Seed reserve mobilization and seedling morphology of genetically modified soybean treated with glyphosate
Abstract The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of the application of the glyphosate herbicide on seed reserve mobilization and seedling morphology of genetically modified soybean. Two herbicide-tolerant (TMG 1264RR and P98Y11) and two herbicide-sensitive (Emgopa 315 and UFUS 7415) cultivars were selected for the study and subjected to germination, seedling length, and reserve mobilization tests after treatments with glyphosate solutions at the concentrations of 0.00, 0.06, and 0.12%. The hypocotyl/radicle ratio and the efficiency of conversion of reserves to seedlings were also determined. The higher the concentration of glyphosate, the lower the percentage of normal seedlings and the shorter seedling length, mainly in the herbicide-sensitive cultivars. The 'TMG 1264RR' glyphosate-tolerant genotype mobilized more reserves and was more efficient in converting biomass into seedlings. Herbicide application reduced the average length of the seedlings and caused the roots to become shorter than the hypocotyls. During germination, the herbicide changes seedling morphology since the seedling hypocotyl becomes proportionally larger than the radicle. Although, when applied, glyphosate altered the length, weight, and reserve mobilization of the four evaluated genotypes, the most affected were 'Emgopa 315' and 'UFUS 7415', the glyphosate-sensitive ones.