Granì (Jun 2016)

The dialogue in the development of cultural-educational space of youth communities: philosophy of intercultural

  • O. M. Troitska

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 7(135)
pp. 13 – 18


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The development of cultural­educational space of youth communities lately draw practitioners’ and theorists’ attention, in particular, those who directly connected with the problems of youth. Youth, as a subject of many processes, in the first instance, is the subject of cultural­educational space and social­cultural connections (youth communities), in which the activity of personality is directed on cognition of secrets of Another and intercultural growth. It is clarified in the article the essence of the notions conceptual plane – «intercultural», it is proved the negative role in the process of unification of communities of epistemological and gnosiological limitedness, which identify different process and phenomena and «leave» often reasoning on the level of definitions of different forms of intellectual formatting of thoughts, not leading the process of thinking to the philosophic categories and senses. On the basis of the analyze of scientific literature and experience of practitioners it is characterized the productive approaches and strategies relied on constructivism, people measuring and anthropological concepts. Intercultural communication presented not only as many­sided process of mutual understanding of cultures, but also as a search and finding of «cultural codes» (standards of community), supporting consolidation of communities. The main determinant of these codes is defined by value­sense component, which is gained in the dialogue and due to understanding changes subject and society. It is ascertained that cultural dialogue according to different conditions (in cultural­educational continuum) can develop abilities of youth in reproducing self, overcoming breaks between the causal and sense determination of own activity, which can be a threat for culture. It is defined the systemic mistakes in the cultural­educational practices of youth organizations, which is connected with the poor level of worldview culture and that presented as a peculiar break in the formation of intercultural: often revealing of emotional, impulsive state in contrast to balanced civil position; the interests of the community not always articulated correctly in authorized and other documents; in the real process of communication and dialogue appears conflict factors, conditioned by psychology of «a crowd», elements of ochlocracy, anarchy and stereotypic thinking; contextual «immaturity» of the process of consolidation, connected with specific incompleteness of consolidation of Ukrainian political nation and etc. It is pointed out some warnings on the subject of implementation of ideas in real cultural­educational practice: in particular, when it is about the integration of the culture, about multy­culture and etc. Constructivist approach in the research of mentioned process with the necessary requires making strategies and programmes of intercultural activity on the basis of intercultural universals and standards of cultural «code».
