Risk Management and Healthcare Policy (Dec 2019)

Economic Burden Of Inappropriate Empiric Antibiotic Therapy: A Report From Southern Iran

  • Sadatsharifi A,
  • Davarpanah MA,
  • Namazi S,
  • Mottaghi S,
  • Mahmoudi L

Journal volume & issue
Vol. Volume 12
pp. 339 – 348


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Arman Sadatsharifi,1 Mohammad-Ali Davarpanah,2 Soha Namazi,3 Shaghayegh Mottaghi,1 Laleh Mahmoudi1 1Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran; 2Shiraz HIV/AIDS Research Centre, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran; 3Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School of pharmacy, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IranCorrespondence: Laleh MahmoudiDepartment of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, PO Box: 7146864685, Shiraz, IranTel/Fax + 98-713-2125400Email [email protected]: Widespread inappropriate antibiotic prescribing by healthcare professionals in the hospital setting is a great concern that may cause many undesirable consequences. Adherences to antibiotic guidelines have proven to be a simple and effective intervention to guide the choice of appropriate empiric antibiotic regimens and reduce the unnecessary variations in the practice among practitioners. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prescription patterns of empiric antibiotic therapy in relation to treatment guidelines and the economic burden of discordance with guidelines in a major referral Iranian university hospital.Method: Hospital records of hospitalized patients with empiric antibiotic prescription, from September 2016 to February 2017 were reviewed. The process consisted of comparing empiric antimicrobial administration with institutional guidelines for each patient by a clinical pharmacist and an infectious disease specialist to evaluate the appropriate utilization of antibiotics. Adherence to guideline, the cost of antibiotics usage for each patient and the excess cost consequent from discordance with guideline was calculated.Results: The most inappropriate prescribed antibiotics were carbapenems and aminoglycosides. Overall guideline adherence was 27.8%. Frequency of antibiotic usage incompatibility with the guidelines on the basis of dosing interval, duration of therapy and drug indication were 31.46%, 29.44% and 19.36%, respectively. General surgery and internal medicine wards had the least and the most inappropriate antibiotic administration, respectively. Totally antibiotic usage cost was 578,959.39 USD (24,316,294,800 Iranian Rials, IRR) for 6 months, which the excess costs of inappropriate antibiotic prescribing, was 471,319.69 USD (19,795,427,225 IRR). The estimated annual excess cost is 942,639.38 USD (39,590,854,450 IRR).Conclusion: In this research, physicians’ adherence with guidelines for empiric antibiotic therapy was low which was led to 471,319.69 USD excess costs. These results urge institution policy makers to develop guidelines to ensure active dissemination and implementation of them to decrease inappropriate antibiotic usage.Keywords: inappropriate antibiotic usage, consumption, hospital, economic burden
