Pallas (Feb 2015)
Dire la mesure en Gaule, iie s. av. J.-C.- ier s. apr. J.-C. Le -dannos/dannus, garant public des poids, mesures et qualités
To serve as a public warrant for the loyalty of certain important commercial transactions, ancient societies would have recourse to specialized magistrates, the best known being the agoranomoi of Athens. The paper examines the evolution of the function of the -dannus in Gaul from the iind century BC to the ist century AD. The most significant example is that of the agoranomos. This magistrate was first in charge of the exchanges regarding the gold metal. Then, in several cities of Gaul during the period of the Roman conquest, he exercised his control on the coinage of money. Finally the argantodannos, in conjunction with the cassidannos, was responsible for the regulation in quality and quantity of the huge production of terra sigillata at Millau-La Graufesenque. This study resorts to the data of archaeology, of epigraphy (Pachten, Vercelli, La Graufesenque) and of comparative indo-european linguistics about the word dannos. It makes use of recent research on the magistratures of Gaulish cities, before stressing the religious connotations of that activity, often connected with the cult of Mercurius.