Midas: Museus e Estudos Interdisciplinares (Jul 2017)
Educación patrimonial para la inteligencia territorial y emocional de la ciudadanía
The EPITEC research project (2016-2019) is grounded in a conceptual framework from systemic, interdisciplinary, symbolic identity, socio-critical and constructive perspective of heritage education. The research is organized around tables of categories, subcategories, indicators and descriptors that allow a rigorous and qualitative analysis of the practice. On the one hand, these instruments are a reference for the design of teaching proposal to experience and the other research instruments (interviews, focus groups, data recording sheets). On the other hand, these instruments are going to be used for case studies in museums (historical, artistic, ethnological, scientific and nature) in different countries (Spain, Portugal, Italy, Argentina, Chile and the United States) in order to compare the results and establish differences and similarities in relation to best practice. The objectives of this study are focused on determining the main characteristics of the teaching proposals which connect from the formal school environment and the heritage institutions; to know the potential of heritage education can have to work with territorial and emotional intelligence issues; identify obstacles which does not let develop educational proposals; and designing, testing and evaluating curriculum proposals from the current educational paradigm in the field of heritage education. The main expected results of this project is provide knowledge related to the connections between inter institutional and international in order to develop a teaching and learning heritage which let socialization, integration into social and educational networks provide and its economic environment as well as the establishment of emotional connections.