Podium (Feb 2022)
Training of Djibouti's trainers in a virtual environment/Capacitación pedagógica en entorno virtual de los entrenadores de Djibouti
The different forms of training of sports coaches are aimed at satisfying the needs of mobilizing knowledge, techniques and reflection aimed at solving problems in the preparation of athletes. Due to this, the research was set as an objective: to design the theoretical conception for the pedagogical training in a virtual environment of the Djiboutian coaches on the initiation of the child to soccer. From a materialist dialectical approach to the interpretation of phenomena, document analysis, observation, survey, modeling and comparison were used as the main research methods. Thus, it was found that the theoretical-methodological knowledge related to the initiation of children to soccer and the organizational and methodological limitations in the forms of training were insufficient. The epistemological elements modeled were compared with other proposals, which demonstrated the argumentative theoretical novelty of the proposal.