Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Études Andines (Dec 2010)
Geodinámica y ocupación humana del litoral pacífico en el sur de Colombia y en el Ecuador desde el Holoceno (últimos 10 000 años)
The Pacific coasts of South Colombia and Ecuador hold the remains of many human occupation, some of which are still unknown. The coast is sometimes inhospitable as in the Colombian case and often strongly affected by important natural hazards. Among these we can rapidly cite the risk from volcanic ash, the consequences of tectonics movements, tsunamis, mass movements of debris on slopes and consequences of well known Niño phenomena (floods), and its counterpart the Niña (drought). The coast populations must have adapted to these limitations, but sometimes constructions and cultivations are totally destroyed resulting in collapse. Our purpose here is to illustrate from an geomorphologic perspective some examples of these situations as observed in archaeology.