Diversity (Dec 2022)
First Report of a <i>Paucibranchia</i> (Polychaeta, Eunicidae) Species without Lateral Palps in Korean Subtidal Waters, with Genetic Evidence for Its Taxonomic Position
An undescribed species belonging to the family Eunicidae was detected in a sublittoral habitat of the southern coast of Korea. This Korean eunicid species was initially thought to belong to the genus Lysidice based on its general appearance, including the absence of prostomial lateral palps and peristomial cirri. However, a more detailed characterization of the morphological features of the maxillae and mandible coupled with mtCOI and 18S rRNA gene sequence analyses confirmed that this species is a member of the genus Paucibranchia. The absence of lateral palps found in the intact adult specimens with 153 segments is a unique feature not previously reported in species belonging to Paucibranchia. Thus, the new species, Paucibranchia triantennata sp. nov., can be easily distinguished from other known congeneric species. Except for the absence of lateral palps, P. triantennata sp. nov. resembled P. conferta, P. gathofi, and P. patriciae in the shape of the prostomium, brief location and shape of branchiae, and absence of compound spinigers. However, P. triantennata could be clearly distinguished from these species by the shorter prostomial antennae, a large number of subacicular hooks, and the morphological features of the maxillae and compound falcigers.