Проблеми сучасної психології (Feb 2018)
Psychological analysis of conflict communicative situations
The article deals with the notions of effective and ineffective communication. Considering two approaches to the analysis of communicative conflicts: purely psychological and psycholinguistic, the types of barriers to communication that interfere with successful communication are given. Describing unsuccessful communicative behaviour, an attempt was made to differenciate the concepts of communicative discomfort, communicative failure, and communicative conflict. Besides, the main sources of communicative discomfort, communicative failure and communicative conflict were named and analyzed, as well as the typology of conflict situations was presented and considered. It was also noted that a communicative conflict can involve communicative discomfort, communicative failure, and communicative glitch, and it will necessarily imply a sense of cognitive dissonance with communication partners. Furthermore, it was pointed out that the situation of communicative conflict in everyday life is natural, since any communicative situation is potentially conflictual due to the fact that communication partners are characterized by different personal qualities and properties. Therefore, no matter how the communicants are eager to communicate with one another, they will still have individual ideas about the world, which often interfere with communication partners to achieve mutual understanding. Also theamount of actual information, status, power of influence, which is carried out on others, communicative role that is performed in the process of communication, etc. are found among the differences.