International Journal of Society, Culture and Language (Mar 2022)

The Impact of English Cultural Awareness on Indonesian ‎Advanced EFL Learners’ Grammar Knowledge

  • Mashudi Mashudi,
  • Agung Nurmansyah,
  • Natalya Saenko,
  • Asep Nurjamin,
  • Svetlana Sharifullina

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 1
pp. 99 – 108


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The current research examined the impacts of English cultural awareness on Indonesian EFL students’ grammar knowledge. To achieve this objective, 40 advanced participants were chosen according to their performance on the Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT). Then, the participants were equally divided into two groups of 20; an experimental and a control group. A grammar pre-test was administered to assess their knowledge of grammar prior to applying the instruction. After conducting the pre-test, the researchers taught the grammar points to the experimental group through using English cultural materials. On the other side, the grammar points were taught to the control group by using a traditional method. The instruction was conducted in 9 sessions of 45 minutes, and in the last session, the post-test of grammar was given to both groups in order to measure the impacts of the instruction on the participants’ grammar improvement. The findings revealed that the culture group had better performance than the conventional group after the treatment.
