Cadernos de Saúde Pública (Mar 2008)
Resolutividade dos serviços de saúde por inquérito domiciliar: percepção do usuário Case-resolving capacity of health care services according to a household survey: users' perceptions
Estudo para identificar a capacidade resolutiva dos serviços de saúde utilizados pela população que referiu pelo menos um problema de saúde nos 15 dias anteriores à entrevista, e conhecer sua percepção sobre a resolução deste problema. As informações foram obtidas de inquérito domiciliar realizado com 10.199 entrevistados na região sudoeste da Grande São Paulo, Brasil, entre 1989/1990. Destes, 31,3% referiram algum episódio de doença e 47,7% procuraram ajuda para resolver o problema. O serviço de atenção primária à saúde foi a principal porta de entrada no sistema (35,7%), seguido pelos hospitais (25,4%) e clínicas/ambulatórios (24,3%). A capacidade resolutiva dos serviços para as consultas médicas foi superior a 90%; 44,5% referiram solução do problema de saúde, 35,5% estavam em tratamento e 10,5% não tiveram seu problema resolvido. A maioria dos problemas resolvidos pertencia ao capítulo das doenças dos aparelhos respiratório e digestivo, infecciosas e parasitárias e sinais e sintomas mal definidos. A proporção de indivíduos ainda em tratamento não permitiu concluir que os serviços eram resolutivos à época do inquérito, embora tenham sido capazes de atender à demanda.The objective of this study was to identify the case-resolving capacity of health care services used by individuals who reported a health problem within two weeks prior to the interview and to unveil their respective perceptions of the solution to the problem. Data were obtained from a household morbidity survey including 10,199 interviewees, performed in the southwestern area of the city of São Paulo, Brazil, in 1989/1990. Some health problem was reported by 31.3% of interviewees, and 47.7% sought help to solve their problem. Primary health services were the main gateway into the health system (35.7%), followed by hospitals (25.4%), and outpatient clinics (24.3%). The case-resolving capacity in the medical services was greater than 90%; 44.5% had their problem solved, 35.5% were under treatment, and 10.5% reported that their problem had not been solved. The largest proportion of problems solved belonged to respiratory and digestive system, infectious and parasitic diseases, and ill-defined symptoms, signs, and conditions. Due to the large proportion of individuals still in treatment, this study does not allow one to conclude that the health care services had a high case-resolving capacity, although they were capable of handling the patient demand.