EPJ Web of Conferences (Jan 2017)
Neutron Deep Penetration Calculations in Light Water with Monte Carlo TRIPOLI-4® Variance Reduction Techniques
Nuclear decommissioning takes place in several stages due to the radioactivity in the reactor structure materials. A good estimation of the neutron activation products distributed in the reactor structure materials impacts obviously on the decommissioning planning and the low-level radioactive waste management. Continuous energy Monte-Carlo radiation transport code TRIPOLI-4 has been applied on radiation protection and shielding analyses. To enhance the TRIPOLI-4 application in nuclear decommissioning activities, both experimental and computational benchmarks are being performed. To calculate the neutron activation of the shielding and structure materials of nuclear facilities, the knowledge of 3D neutron flux map and energy spectra must be first investigated. To perform this type of neutron deep penetration calculations with the Monte Carlo transport code, variance reduction techniques are necessary in order to reduce the uncertainty of the neutron activation estimation. In this study, variance reduction options of the TRIPOLI-4 code were used on the NAIADE 1 light water shielding benchmark. This benchmark document is available from the OECD/NEA SINBAD shielding benchmark database. From this benchmark database, a simplified NAIADE 1 water shielding model was first proposed in this work in order to make the code validation easier. Determination of the fission neutron transport was performed in light water for penetration up to 50 cm for fast neutrons and up to about 180 cm for thermal neutrons. Measurement and calculation results were benchmarked. Variance reduction options and their performance were discussed and compared.