Hazara Islamicus (Jun 2019)
The Need and Importance of Quranic Interpretation in the light of Social Sciences = سماجی علوم کی روشنی میں تفسیر القرآن کی ضرورت و اہمیت
"Study of social sciences is necessary for students of the Holy Quran and the scholars as well for its better understanding. It is fact that there are various misunderstanding arose by the Isralet traditions incorporated by the early commentators of the Quran in Tafseer literature. Some questions are also presented by the orientalists regarding its consideration as a “word of God”. Contemporary sciences are developed on the basis of reason, observation and experimentation. Many beliefs and statements of the Quran are verified by the latest investigations, discoveries and researches which have created a great value in the context of interpretation by resolving confusions and ambiguities, particularly regarding history of the holy prophet, nations and places mentioned in the holy Quran. This paper aims to highlight the importance of social sciences for better understanding of the Holy Quran. "