Prizren Social Science Journal (Aug 2018)
The relationship between tourism revenues and financial ratios of enterprises in the Bist tourism: Panel Data Analysis
In today’s world, many countries that want to realize economic development use tourism as a tool. The first definition of tourism that supported this was made in 1910 by the Austrian economist Hermann Von Schullar. He defined tourism as “the whole of the activities that relate to the economic direction of the movement that comes from the arrival of strangers from another country, city or region and their temporary stay” (Kozak vd, 2009: 1). In this study, the relationship between the tourism revenues obtained from TUIK and the financial ratios of the enterprises in the Bist Tourism (XTRZM) Index are examined by panel data analysis. For this purpose, the financial ratios of the tourism revenues and the enterprises in the Bist Tourism Index were used between 2007-2016. In also, hausman test was applied to the data for panel data analysis and the results indicate that there is a random effect. The acceptance of the null hypothesis implies that there is no correlation between random effects and explanatory variables and that constant effects on unit and time dimensions are not taken into consideration.