Janus.net (Nov 2022)
A estratégia da União Europeia de aquisição de vacinas para a pandemia Covid-19
This article presents and analyses the European Union's (EU) strategy for the acquisition of vaccines, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, namely the options of its policymakers, the model of negotiation with the pharmaceutical industry, the various key moments throughout the process, including in its conclusions references to the articulation of this strategy with the commitments made by the EU to other entities such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the international COVAX initiative. From the research carried out, supported by a variety of existing literature, public announcements and statements from key policymakers, it appears that the EU developed a vaccine acquisition strategy exclusively through contractual agreements with international pharmaceutical groups, according to the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model, assuming its possible advantages and risks. Throughout the process of acquiring and distributing the vaccines, there were difficulties in coordination between the European institutions and the Member States, delays in deliveries and difficulties in managing and distributing the available vaccines, along with suspicions surrounding the negotiating model chosen. In the context of the COVAX initiative, there were also difficulties in reconciling the European Union's commitments to participate and their implementation