Вісник КНУКіМ: Серія Мистецтвознавство (Aug 2018)
The purpose of the article is to explore and analyze the development of ballroom dancing in the context of the peculiarities of choreographic education in Ukraine in the 1970s–1980s; define the principles and fundamentals of the organizational-methodical work of amateur groups and ensembles, and to trace the formation of the mechanism of management in the system of culture, education and trade unions of the period of large-scale popularization of ballroom dancing. The research methodology consisted in the organic set of basic principles of research: objectivity, historicism, multifactorness, systematicity, integrated approach, development and pluralism; to fulfill the research purpose, the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: problem-chronological, specific-historical, statistical, descriptive, and logical-analytical. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the first attempt to carry out a comprehensive study of the development of ballroom dancing in professional, amateur and out-of-school choreographic education in Ukraine in the 1970s-1980s in the context of formation of the managerial structure of ballroom dancing; the activity of amateur groups and ensembles in the framework of competitions and festivals of ballroom dancing was analyzed; the influence of the ideological foundations of the party and government agencies on the organization and program of their implementation; the principles and fundamentals of the organizational-methodical work of the amateur groups and ensembles were defined. Conclusions. In the second half of the 1970s, the process of formation and development of studios, clubs and schools of ballroom dancing which were supervised by institutions of education and culture of the USSR, as well as the Komsomol and trade unions, embarked on a new level. Adopted in 1976, sports classification of ballroom dancing and the introduction into the competition program of new domestic dances intensified the work of the management of groups and ensembles of ballroom dance: a number of seminars were conducted that contributed to improving the qualification level, the correct selection of repertoire, significantly helped in terms of methodological support and contributed to competitive performances. During the 1980s, the organizational structure of ballroom dances, based on the club system, continued to be formed, and the participation of Soviet ballroom dancers in international tournaments which were held in socialist countries, and since the end of the 1980s in official professional and amateur world and European tournaments, contributed to the further development of ballroom dancing and significant changes in the system of choreographic education in Ukraine.