Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences (Nov 2015)
Clinical and histopathological findings of sialoliths
The aim of the present study was to describe the clinical and histopathological findings of 53 cases of sialoliths retrieved from the Oral Pathology Service, School of Dentistry of Piracicaba, State University of Campinas, São Paulo. They were most frequently found in females and adult patients with mean age of 45 years. Submandibular gland was the more affected, followed by minor salivary and parotid glands. The sialoliths were most frequently described as a single (93.3%), nodule (92.3%) and hard consistency (65.2%). Microscopically, the sialoliths showed lamellated pattern of calcification in 84.9% of cases. Dilated pericalcular ducts were observed in 11 cases and squamous metaplasia was noted in 10 of them (90.9%). Areas of periductal chronic inflammation were observed in 81.8% of the cases. In 10 out of 53 cases salivary glands were available for analysis and the more common finding was mild chronic inflammation associated with acinar atrophy.